Hello Hello all you wonderful gamers. Well A few words about me. My name is Derek D. Gamer, food enthusiast, and most importantly family man.

My passion and mission, is to help gamers and the people who love us become better at cooking and maybe throw in a few tips about life itself. 

If you find yourself caught up between gaming and family, or even studying. If you are struggling to have something constructive to share with your friends and family besides gaming. This is the place for you.

Now I know most of you that visit this sight are gamers. So what do we like to do ? “GAME”! So I will try my best to fill your time with ways to maximize your game time.

So what are we talking about here people? Food! I am not talking about pizza, chips and another greasy hamburger. I am talking about a good home cooked meal. Yeah a plate filled with something you made with your own hands. Sounds like hard work to me. Well the hard work part is what we are working on here.  These meals will taste like hard work but take only a few short minutes of your preciouses gaming time. 

So if you love food, family, friends and gaming. Then you just landed on planet awesome and I am your host. 

With that said, Get your ass off the couch for 30 minutes.  I will help you put together quick and easy meals that will make you look like a champion.